Le duo N'importe Quoi

The duo N’imPorte Quoi plays “Aparani Par” (Armenia) with dancing friends.
Our Escalade concert on 12 December 2020 at the AMR jazz club (Geneva) having been cancelled due to the directives induced by the pandemic, we decided to make this video in order to share a festive moment with our dear public.
Le duo N’imPorte Quoi interprète ce grand classique de Gioachino Rossini (1792-1868) avec des instruments populaires helvétiques: la flûte à bec et la rebögne.
Une vieille chanson immortelle du répertoire Mariachi qui parle, entre autres, de cafards et de marijuana. On peut prétendre sans se tromper qu’aucune fête n’est vraiment réussie sans l’exécution de ce morceau d’anthologie.
Bödälä is a form of Swiss tap dance which is danced mainly in the center of the country. Normally it is a kind of seduction dance of the dancer around his partner but the duo NPQ offers here a "solo" version accompanied, as it should be, by a schwyzerörgeli (Schwyzois accordion).
This cumbia was composed by Lisandro Meza, un famous composer, singer and Colombian accordionist.
Le duo N’imPorte Quoi interprète un jingle publicitaire de supermarché datant des années 70′.
The bad guys turn nice with the duo N’imPorte quoi